Friday Favorites


| All in All, it’s been a pretty good week!

Whew, we made it to the end of the normal work week. I’m not sure about your end, but this week has been one filled with ups and downs, highs and lows. But the sum of all of the week certainly can be marked as positive. Things in my nine to five have been hectic but successful, the blog and social interactions have been growing and I have some excellent things in store on that end. Overall, I cannot complain! So on the tail end of this frenzied week, I wanted to share some of the bits and bobs from around the web that have caught my eye. Let’s get to it!

Digital Wrist Candy | There’s an argument to be made about whether or not the Apple Watch is actually a watch. But what cannot be disputed is what it has done for the watch industry, especially in the every more digital age. This review of the new updated digital device is excellent at weighing in on the pros and cons.

Taking Notes by Hand Has Major Learning Benefits | I was always that girl that had to write out my notes during a lecture and rewrite them as I study. I still pack around a paper notebook and my favorite pen in my work bag because I prefer to write my notes during meetings, rather than type them. There’s something to be said about the selective learning needed to write by hand. This article is older but I just happened to stumble one it two days ago.

The Boots You Need this Winter | My favorite boots (and the ones you see in these photos) are on sale for just under $100! Waterproof, chic, rugged, and timeless! You will be seeing these in a lot of looks in the coming months!

REGISTER TO VOTE IN THE MIDTERMS | Midterm elections are on their way this November at it is so incredibly important to vote! Your vote matters and it more important than ever to ensure that your voice is heard. Follow the link and make a difference.

On Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s Indelible Memory, and the Laughter of Men | I’m sure at this point everyone has watched or read about the testimony of Dr. Ford against Judge Kavanaugh. There has been a lot of articles and conjecture about this opinion piece one particularly distressing. It’s an excellent read.

Lash Extension Top Tips | This is a selfish save, as I got lash extensions for the first time last night and I know I need all the help I can get. I am really liking them so far but they are far from low maintenance. As I am more of a rough and tumble person when it comes to skincare, lash extensions will make me more conscious.


Love Loudly. Live Loudly.
